Having a world-class supply base has proven a recipe for success. By creating a strategy based on the entire life-cycle of a product and not just its initial purchase price, sustaining that increasingly critical, unmatched competitive advantage can be achieved. CGN’s Strategic Sourcing services have proven to deliver substantial bottom line benefits with relatively low effort. Our approach focuses on being a function of the overall business strategy, proactively developing the correct supply base/ managing supplier relationships to maximize efficiency and deliver optimal value.
CGN Global deploys our industry experts and SMEs to collaborate with organizations as partners to identify opportunities for improving our clients’ sourcing strategies using our proven tools and methodologies. We work with you to reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), improve supplier collaboration, create formalized/ standardized procurement processes, increase your supplier measurement and control, and provide you with a detailed understanding and analysis of spend using global sourcing tools, templates, and procedures. Typical benefits include:
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