With an isolated project view, an organization tends to see the focus of projects being around deliverables, goals and objectives. A PMO looks at projects through a team lens, focusing on the means to create deliverables. And as an isolated view focuses on success factors of product and performance, a team view focuses on activities, processes, effectiveness, efficiency, issues, measures and best practices to deliver projects results consistently and synergistically.


If Project management is not used....

  • Selected projects do not always fit organizational strategies
  • No process for closing non-performing projects
  • Project performance is not measured consistently
  • Project success heavily depends on Project Manager
  • Project Managers are reluctant to ask for help
  • Project Managers do not have leadership support in dealing with stakeholders
  • Project management processes, tools and techniques are not consistent across projects

If project management is used...

  • Projects go through gate reviews and go/no-go decisions are made consistently based on performance
  • Projects are linked with strategies (business objectives)
  • Projects are more successful due to utilization of standardized methodologies, tools and techniques
  • Project Managers are recognized as change leaders
  • Project Managers build relationship of trust with Portfolio Managers
  • Portfolio Managers provide support in dealing with stakeholders


Whether you are looking to implement a PMO from scratch or to optimize your current PMO, CGN has the experience and the PMP certified professional staff to make it happen. A CGN PMO goes beyond traditional project management and plays an important role in reducing cycle time and increasing throughput by 10-15% through our proven services:

  • PMO Implementation – using a “Build, Operate, Transfer” model, we determine the tools, procedures, processes and templates that will best suit the Project Management needs of the organization and ultimately work to provide you with the tools to sustainably and efficiently manage the countless projects flowing through your organization for years to come. Support PMO vs. Control PMO
  • Project Management Maturity - In order to know where to start, you must know where you currently stand. We look at your project management objectively to determine your current state. From here, we can give recommendations for a desired future state or use this assessment as the first stage in a more comprehensive PMO service.
  • Change Management - Change management is an integral part of implementation. Assessing an individual or organizational approach to change for transition from the current state to a desired future state directs the PM team in building necessary change management initiatives into the implementation plan for successful PM operations.